
Let us help you live your best life.

Practice Areas

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with daily activities, needs help navigating the healthcare system, or could benefit from patient care advocacy, our team of care managers has you covered. At The Professional Care Management & Advocacy Group, we strive to provide a wide range of healthcare services to individuals all across the United States. Explore our personalized patient support services below, then contact us today to get the help you need to start living your best life!

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Here are some of the ways we can support you in conjunction with your PCP and attorney:

  1. Personal Care Management

  2. Financial Power of Attorney

  3. Durable Power of Attorney

  4. Limited Power of Attorney

  5. Patient Healthcare Navigation

  6. Medication Management

  7. Safety at Home Management

  8. DNR & Living Will

  9. Health Care Surrogate

  10. Advocacy for Our Clients

  11. Household Bill Management

  12. Location of Appropriate Accommodation

  13. Professional Legal Nurse Consultants


Our Approach

As a company of patient advocate specialists, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest standard of care management and care oversight. We understand that you are placing all of your trust in us to provide and manage the care you need. That is why we offer a very comprehensive list of ways in which we can assist you or your loved one:


1. Assessment and Care Planning:

  • Our care manager meets with the family or the client to assess their needs.

  • We then create a personalized patient support plan that addresses various aspects, including:

    • Personal care management

    • Housekeeping

    • Healthcare management

    • Medication management

    • Shopping

    • Healthcare alerts

    • Assistive devices

    • Maintenance


2. Safety Coordination:

  • We coordinate care to address safety issues.

  • Safety measures may include:

    • Installing grab bars

    • Removing trip hazards (such as rugs)

    • Ensuring proper use of portable heaters


3. Physician Appointment Accompaniment:

  • Our Care Managers accompany clients to all physician appointments.

  • We provide a written account of what was discussed and recommended during the appointment.


4. Supervision and Oversight:

  • We oversee caregivers, housekeepers, or maintenance workers entering the home.

  • We aim to ensure all tasks are carried out to the highest standards.


5. Advocacy and Communication:

  • We act as a conduit between clients and their families.

  • As health care liaisons, our role is to advocate for our client’s best interests.


6. Care Options Guidance:

  • We provide information on care options, including:

    • Home Health

    • Assisted Living

    • Skilled Nursing

    • Memory Care Facilities


7. Fiduciary Services:

  • Our services cover a variety of tasks, such as:

    • Bank account oversight

    • Payment of household bills

    • Payment for services (such as a caregiver or a housekeeper)

Remember, The Professional Care Management & Advocacy Group is here to be your voice in the community, seeking your best interests and ensuring you receive the care you deserve.


A Team in Your Corner

We appreciate your commitment to ensuring satisfaction with our services. Regular communication with the family is essential, whether weekly or monthly check-in. Rest assured, our patient advocate specialists will summarize all physician appointments and inform you about their recommendations.

Our thorough process includes interviewing care companies to select the one best suited to your family member’s needs. We’ll also offer guidance on additional services that may be necessary or need removal. Your well-being matters to us, and we treat you like our own family, ensuring you always have a supportive team by your side.

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Legacy of Success

With decades of expertise in health care and patient care advocacy, our mission is to navigate the intricate network of physicians, clinicians, and caregivers, ensuring you receive timely and appropriate assistance. Whether you seek support for basic tasks, comprehensive care management, or legal matter assistance, we’re here. Best of all, our personalized patient support services are available across 41 U.S. states.

Our commitment extends to providing the optimal care management experience, regardless of the level at which you engage with us.

When your family cannot be by your side, consider us your dedicated health care liaison team, treating you with the same care and compassion. Reach out to The Professional Care Management & Advocacy Group today to get started.

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